Welcome to my Blog. First off, I would like to say that I am not a blogger. I am not one to regularly sit and write to a world of people who I don’t know, about what is on my mind. With that said, I really do enjoy writing on occasion, and I may go through spurts of writing lots of blog posts followed by potentially years of silence. My posts will never be consistent. I imagine they will be more consistent the more interactive you are, so please, don't be shy--- comment and question away! I do want to create a space where I can share some things with you, and you can in turn ask questions, address interesting topics or otherwise start conversations that others might also gain knowledge from. I don't have all the answers, but I do have a lot of information to share and I do have access to a lot of resources where I can get that information if it's not already in this big head of mine. So ask away! If I can't help you, maybe one of the other readers can! I do hope that this is a place where conversations get started and information can pass from one vagina owning person to the next, and perhaps those who love them as well. If you would like your question to be more anonymous than what this forum offers, please feel free to email me and ask me to put your question in my forum. There's a good chance someone else has the same question, and I'd be happy to share it for you! I will try to keep this blog relevant to midwifery: vaginal health, menarche, sex, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, babies, breastfeeding and menopause. Healthy reproduction includes healthy bodies, healthy habits, and healthy nutrition. I might include recipes, exercises, herbal remedies, etc. I also am a visual artist and may occasionally post art that I have done if it seems relevant to any of the above topics and I feel like sharing. In addition, midwifery itself is always a political act. It shouldn’t be, but in our current socio-political climate, within our society and healthcare system, it definitely is. This blog will therefore get political at times. We may not always agree, but I welcome your input. The more we share and listen, the more we learn. The more we learn the more we grow. Change comes from growth. If we want to change the world for the better, we need to start listening to one another, learning from each other, and growing together to build the new. The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. - Dan Millman